SCORM's Data Model

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The data model of SCORM, the Sharable Content Object Reference Model, plays a vital role in organizing learning content, tracking progress, and facilitating communication with the learning management system (LMS). It ensures seamless storage and retrieval of learning data, promoting compatibility and personalized learning experiences. SCORM's data model employs a hierarchical structure to organize courses, modules, and learning objects, enabling easy navigation and access to specific content elements. 

It allows for comprehensive tracking of learner progress, bookmarking of specific locations, and capturing interactions and assessments. The standardized communication protocols between the course and the LMS, facilitated by JavaScript-based APIs, enable the seamless exchange of data related to learner progress and interactions. SCORM's data model ensures persistent storage of learning data, making it readily accessible for learners to continue their learning journey seamlessly. By providing a standardized framework for e-learning, SCORM's data model enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of online training content delivery.