Remote live captioning service / High Quality Remote CART Services - CaptioningStar

Remote Live Captioning Services
Get High Quality Captions With CaptioningStar!!!

The days have gone, when only onsite captioners were believed to deliver high accuracy for live captioning of events.

In this tech-driven world everything is made accessible to everyone now and why can’t the live events to the hard of hearing public?

That’s how remote live captioners were born. Remote live captioners are very flexible for organizations conducting live events. Know why?

  • Remote live captioning service is cheaper compared to the onsite live captioning service.
  • Live captioners can work easily in remote provided, with all the necessary transmitting and captioning equipment.

Get remote live captioning service from us just in one hour lead time!

We are registered EEG-iCap user and offer you a sophisticated and secure platform for live captioning your videos.

EEG provides an efficient captioning and editing interface with reliable live connections to broadcast encoders

To Read more, Visit this:  Remote live captioning services